

2018年04月18日 11:13作者:来源:院党政办 浏览次数:

1.Xiaofeng Chen, Qiankun Song, Yurong Liu, ZhenjiangZhao, Global ��-stabilityof impulsive complex-valued neural networks with leakage delay and mixeddelays,Abstract and Applied Analysis, (2014) : 1-14.SCI检索)

2.Xiaofeng Chen, Qiankun Song, Xiaohui Liu,Zhenjiang Zhao, Globa l ��-stabilityof complex-valued neural networks with unbounded time-varying delays, Abstractand Applied Analysis,  (2014): 1-9.SCI检索)

3.Xinfeng Ruan, Wenli Zhu, Jin Hu, Jiexiang Huang,Errata corrige optimal portfolio and consumption with habit formation in a jumpdiffusion market, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 232(1)(2014):235–236(SCI检索)

4.Ting Lei, Qiankun Song, Zhenjiang Zhao, Furtherresult on passivity for discrete-time stochastic T-S fuzzy systems withtime-varying delays, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,657621(2014):47-55,(SCI检索)

5.Jianjun Zhang, Zhijie Chen, Wenming Zou, StandingWaves for nonlinear Schrödinger Equations involving critical growth,Journal ofLondon Mathematical Society,90(2)(2014): 827-844.(SCI检索)

6.Jianjun Zhang, The existence and concentration ofpositive solutions for a nonlinear Maxwell-Schrödinger system with a criticalgrowth, Journal of Mathematical Physics,55(2014):031507(1-14).(SCI检索)

7.Bing Li, Daoyi Xu, Attraction of stochasticneutral delay differential equations with Markovian switching, IMA Journal ofMathematical Control and Information, 31(2014): 15-31. (SCI检索)

8.Daoyi Xu, Bing Li, Shujun Long, Lingying Teng,Weisong Zhou, Existence and moment estimates for solutions to neutralstochastic functional differential equations, Annals of differential equations,30 (2014): 62-84.

9.Daoyi Xu, Bing Li, Shujun Long, Lingying Teng,Moment estimate and existence for solutions of stochastic functionaldifferential equations, Nonlinear Analysis, 108(2014): 128-143. (SCI检索)

10.Xiaobing Li, Shengjie Li, Holder continuity of perturbed solution set for convex optimizationproblems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 232(2014):908-921.(SCI检索)

11.Xiaobing Li, ZaiyunPeng,  Zhi Lin,   Convergence Results for Henig Proper efficientSolution Sets of Vector Optimization Problems, Numerical Functional AnalysisAnd Optimization, 35(11)(2014):1419-1434.(SCI检索)

12.Qilin Wang,  Zhi Lin, XiaobingLi, Semicontinuity of the solution set to aparametric

generalized strong vectorequilibrium problem, Positivity, 18(2014):733-748.(SCI检索)

13. Xinajun Long,  Jianwen Peng,Xiaobing Li, Weak subdifferentials for set-valuedmappings, Journal ofOptimization Theory and Applications,,162(2014):1-12.(SCI检索)

14.Zijian Liu, Shouming Zhong, Xiaoyun Liu,Permanence and periodic solutions for an impulsive reaction-diffusionfood-chain system with ratio-dependent functional response, Commun NonlinearSci Numer Simulat; 19(2014): 173-188. (SCI检索)

15.Zijian Liu, Chenxue Yang, A mathematical model ofcancer treatment by radiotherapy,Computational and Mathematical Methods inMedicine, 3( 2014):1-12.(SCI检索)

16.Zijian Liu, Chenxue Yang, Dynamics ofn+1-dimensional impulsive reaction-diffusion

predator-prey system with Holling type IIIfunctional response, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 45(2014):275-296.(EI检索)

17.Zaiyun Peng, Xinmin YangSemicontinuityof the Solution Mappings to weak generalized Parametric Ky Fan InequalityProblems with Trifunctions, Optimization, 63(2014)447-457.(SCI检索)

18.Zaiyun Peng, Shi Sheng Chang, On The lowersemicontinuity of the set of efficient solutions to Parametric Generalized Systems, OptimizationLetters, 8(2014)159-169. (SCI检索)

19.Zaiyun Peng, Jianwen PengDensity andupper semicontinuity strong Solution for Parametric Generalized Systems,Taiwanese Journal Of Mathematics, 18(2014): 1941-1955.(SCI检索)  

20.Zaiyun Peng, Xinmin YangPainlevé-KuratowskiConvergences of the solution sets for perturbed vector Equilibrium Problemswithout monotonicity, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Serie,30(2014): 845-858. (SCI检索)

21.Zhao Yong, Zaiyun Peng, Xinmin Yang,Painlevé-Kuratowski convergences of the solution sets for perturbed generalizedsystems, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 15(2014): 1249-1259.(SCI检索)

22.Zaiyun Peng, Zhi Lin, Kaizhi Yu, Da cheng Wang, A note of solution lower semicontinuityfor parametric generalized vector equilibrium problems, Journal ofInequalities and Applications 2014, (2014): doi:10.1186/1029-242X-2014-325.(SCI检索)

23.Qiankun Song,Zhenjiang Zhao, Cluster, local and complete synchronization in coupled neuralnetworks with mixed delays and nonlinear coupling, Neural Computing andApplications, 24 (2014): 1101-1113. (SCI检索)  

24.Zhenjiang Zhao, Qiankun Song, Shaorong He,Passivity analysis of stochastic neural networks with time-varying and leakagedelay, Neurocomputing, 125 (2014) 22-27. (SCI检索)

25.Jinde Cao, Jianquan Lu, Ahmed Elaiw, XinsongYang, Qiankun Song, Coupled network systems and their collective behavior,Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014(2014), Article ID 847262, 1 page. (SCI检索)

26.Xujun Yang, Qiankun Song, Yurong Liu, ZhenjiangZhao, Uniform stability analysis of fractional-order BAM neural networks withdelays in the leakage terms, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014,Article ID 261930, 16 pages. (SCI检索)

27.Xuedong Chen, Qianying Zeng, Qiankun Song,Penalized Maximum Likelihood Method to a Class of Skewness Data Analysis,Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014(2014), Article ID 824816, 7 pages.(SCI检索)

28.Xuedong Chen, Qianying Zeng, Qiankun Song,Likelihood inference of nonlinear models based on a class of flexible skeweddistributions, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014(2014), Article ID 542985, 8pages.

29.Zhenjiang Zhao, Qiankun Song, Global exponentialstability of complex-valued neural

networks with time-varying delayson time scales, Chinese Control Conference, 11September 2014, ArticleID 6895789, Pages 5003-5007.

30.Zhenjiang Zhao, Qiankun Song, Dissipativityresults for stochastic neural networks with mixed time-varying delays, ChineseControl Conference, 11 September 2014, Article ID 6895789, Pages5003-5007.

31.杨绪君, 宋乾坤,时不变分数阶系统反周期解的存在性,应用数学和力学,35(6)(2014):684-691.


33. Shaohong Du. A new residual posteriorierrorestimates of mixed finite element methods forconvection-diffusion-reaction equations. Numerical Methods of PartialDifferential Equations, 30 (2) (2014): 593-624.

34. Shaohong Du,Xiaoping Xie.On residual-based aposteriori error estimators for lowest-order Raviart-Thomas elementapproximation to convection-diffusion reaction equations. Journal ofComputational Mathematics. 32 (5) (2014): 522-546.

35. GuoyinWangLihe GuanWeizhiWuandFeng HuData-drivenValued ToleranceRelation Based on the Extended Rough SetFundamentaInformaticae,132(2014:349–363.

36. fengqing han, short-term traffic flowpredication based on multivariable phase space reconstruction and LSSVM, Journalof information & computational science, (2014): 3209-3217.

37. Wenda Zhang, The upper bounds of Friedlandsentropy for certain Z^k+-actions, Dynamical Systems ,  29(1): 67-69, 2014. (SCI)

38. Ling Zhang. Molecular algorithm in solving theshortest path problem of the application and research, Mechatronics Engineeringand Electrical Engineering,(2014):37-41.

39. Jixiang Yang. Complexity Analysis of New TaskAllocation Problem Using Network Flow Method on Multicore Clusters.Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014:1-7.

40. Wei Jiang, Heng Zhang, Yawei LIU. Fractional-orderdifferential application and research in pavement cracks image enhancement,Mechatronics Engineering and Electrical Engineering,(2014:31-35

41. 韩逢庆, 基于支持向量机和有序聚类的岩层识别,智能系统学报,(2014): 98-103

42. 邹昌文,肖瑶,基于隶属度的模糊层次分析法在审计模型中的应用,广东技术  

师范学院学报  201411 

43. 蒋伟,李小龙,杨永琴,张恒. 基于有理数阶微分的图像去噪新方法,计算机应

, 343)(2014:801-805

44. 王家伟, 杨庭庭,蒋伟.基于微分方程的桥梁裂缝检测研究,重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版),335)(2014:32-36

45. 朱玉峻,张文达,史恩慧,环面上Z^k+-作用的Friedland熵的计算公式,中国科学,446701-7092014.(SCI)

46.Zhi Lin, The existence of equilibria for the rankgame, Journal of inequalities and Applications, 20142014Page6. (SCI检索)

47.Zhi Lin, Equilibria for traffic network withcapacity constraints, Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization,Editor: John Wang,  IGI Global 2014, 832-837.

48.Qilin Wang,  Shengji Li, lowersemicontinuity of the solution mapping to a parametric generalized vectorequilibrium problem, Journal of Industrial and  Management Optimization ,10 ( 2014): 1225-1234. (SCI检索)

49.Qilin Wang, Zhi Lin, Jing Zeng, Zaiyun Peng,Xiaobing Li,  Second-order composed contingent epiderivatives andset-valued vector equilibrium problemsJournal ofInequalities and Applications, 2014(2014):406 . (SCI检索)

50.Qilin Wang, Zhi Lin, Xiaobing Li, Semicontinuityof the solution set to a parametric generalized strong vector equilibriumproblem, Positivity, 18 (2014):733-748. (SCI检索) 51.Qilin Wang,Zhi Lin, Xiaobing Li, Erratum to semicontinuity of the solution set to a parametricgeneralized strong vector equilibrium problem, Positivity,18 (2014): 749-750. (SCI检索)

52.Pan ChengZhi linPengXieFive-orderextrapolation algorithms for Laplace equation with linear boundary conditionJournalof computational analysis and applications2014161):139-148. (SCI检索)

53.Yawei He, Zehua Chen, The EBIC and a sequentialprocedure for feature selection in interactive models with high-dimensionaldata, 2014(2014):1-26

54.Hua Li, Jie Zhou, Minimax robust optimalestimation fusion for distributed multisensor systems with a relative entropyuncertainty, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, 1--6.

55.Liying Li, Yong Wang, Coordinating a supply chainwith a loss-averse retailer and effort dependent demand, The Scientific WorldJournal, 2014(2014) Article ID 231041. (SCI检索)

56.Ling Zhang, ZhongshanLi, Ting-Zhu Huang,Qing-Fang Zhu,Jian Hua and Lihua Zhang, Periodic, reducible, powerful ray pattern matrices,Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 444(2014): 8188.(SCI检索)





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