

2018年04月18日 11:13作者:来源:院党政办 浏览次数:

1. Chengling Fang, Jiang Liu, Guohua Wu, Mars M.Yamaleev, Nonexistence of minimal pairs in L[d], Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, 9136(2015):177–185.

2. Jin Hu and Jun Wang, Global exponentialperiodicity and stability of discrete-time complex-valued recurrent neuralnetworks with time-delays, Neural Networks, 66 (2015): 119-130(SCI检索)

3.XianBing Wu and Leina Zhao,Viscosity Approximationmethods for multivalued nonnexpansive mappings, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics,9(2015):13-26.SCI检索)

4.Ting Lei, Qiankun Song, Yurong Liu, Stateestimation for discrete-time Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with time-varyingdelays, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 453806 (2015):177-185,(SCI检索).

5. Ting Lei, Qiankun Song, Triple-integral methodfor stabilization of chaotic neural networks with time-varying delays bynon-periodically intermittent control,  International Journal of Computingand Optimization, 2(2015): 7-21.

6. Jianjun Zhang, Wenming Zou, Solutionsconcentrating around the saddle points of the potential for Schrödingerequations involving critical growth, Calculus of Variations and PartialDifferential Equations, 2015, published online.(SCI检索)

7. Jianjun Zhang, Joao Marcos do O, Standing wavesfor nonlinear Schrödinger equations involving critical growth ofTrudinger-Moser type, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2015,published online.(SCI检索)

8. Jianjun Zhang, Joao Marcos do O, Marco Squassina,Fractional Schrödinger-Poison systems with a general subcritical or criticalnonlinearity, Advanced in Nonlinear Studies,2015,accepted.(SCI检索)

9. Zhaoli Liu, Zhiqiang Wang, Jianjun Zhang,Infinitely many sign-changing solutions for a Schrödinger-Poisson system,Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 2015, published online.(SCI检索)

10. Xiaobing Li, Qilin Wang, Zhi Lin, Stability ofset-valued optimization problems with naturally quasi-functions, Journal ofOptimization Theory and ApplicationsDOI10.1007/s10957-0802-0(2015):1-10(SCI检索)

11. Xiaobing Li, Qilin Wang, Zhi Lin, Stabilityresults for properly quasi convex vector optimization problems, Optimization,64(5)(2015):1329-1347.(SCI检索)

12. Xiaobing Li, Zhi Lin, Qilin Wang,  Stabilityof approximate solution mappings for generalized Ky Fan inequality, TOP, DOI10.1007/s11750-015-0385-9(2015):1-8. (SCI检索)

13. Xiaobing Li, Zhi Lin, Zaiyun Peng, Convergencefor vector optimization problems with variable ordering structure,Optimization, accepted, (2015). (SCI检索)

14. Xiaobing Li, Xianjun Long,  Zhi Lin,Stability of solution mapping for parametric symmetric vector equilibriumproblems, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 11(2)(2015):661-671.(SCI检索)

15. Zaiyun Peng, Xinmin Yang, On the connectednessof efficient solutions for generalized Ky Fan inequality, Journal of Nonlinearand Convex Analysis, 16 (2015): 907-917.(SCI检索)

16. Zaiyun Peng, Xinmin Yang, Kok Lay Teo, On theHolder continuity of approximate solutions to parametric weak generalized KyFan inequality, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2(2015):549-562.(SCI检索)

17. Zaiyun Peng, Yong Zhao, Xinmin Yang,Semicontinuity of approximate solution mappings to parametric set-valued weakvector equilibrium problems, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization,36( 2015): 481-500.(SCI检索)

18.Xianjun Long, Jianwen Peng, Zaiyun Peng,Scalarization and pointwise well-posedness for set optimization problems,Journal of Global Optimization, 62 (2015):  763-773. (SCI检索)

19.Xiangkai Sun, Zaiyun Peng, Xiaole Guo, Somecharacterizations of robust optimal solutions for uncertain convex optimizationproblems, Optimization Letters, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s11590-015-0946-8.(SCI检索)

20.Xianjun Long, Zaiyun Peng, Xianfu Wang, Characterizationsof solution sets of nonconvex semi-infinite programming problems, Journal ofNonlinear and Convex Analysis, In press.

21. Zaiyun Peng, Yong Zhao, Xinmin Yang,Painlev¶e-Kuratowski stability of the solution sets to perturbed vectorgeneralized systems, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Serie , Inpress.

22. Qiankun Song, Tingwen Huang, Stabilization andsynchronization of chaotic systems with mixed time-varying delays viaintermittent control with non-fixed both control period and control width,Neurocomputing, 154(2015)61-69. (SCI检索)

23. Qiankun Song, Zhenjiang Zhao, Yurong Liu,Stability analysis of complex-valued neural networks with probabilistictime-varying delays, Neurocomputing, 159 (2015) : 96-104. (SCI检索)

24. Qiankun Song, Zhenjiang Zhao, Yurong Liu,Impulsive effects on stability of discrete-time complex-valued neural,Neurocomputing, 168 (2015) : 1044-1050. (SCI检索)

25. Xujun Yang, Qiankun Song, Yurong Liu, ZhenjiangZhao, Finite-time stability analysis of fractional-order neural networks withdelay, Neurocomputing, 152 (2015) : 19–26. (SCI检索)

26. Haijun Jiang, Haibo He, JianlongQiu, Qiankun Song, Jianquan Lu, Mathematical Problems for ComplexSystems, The Scientific World Journal, 2015(2015), Article ID 605172, 2pages.

27. Zhenjiang Zhao, Qiankun Song, Stabilization ofcomplex-valued neural networks with time-varying delays via linear feedback,2nd International Conference on Electrical, Computer Engineering andElectronics (ICECEE 2015), Atlantis Press, 804-809.

28. Zhenjiang Zhao, Qiankun Song, Globalexponential stability of discrete-time complex-valued neural networks withtime-varying delay, Atlantis Press, 840-845.

29. 闫欢, 赵振江,宋乾坤,具有混合时滞的脉冲复值神经网络的全局μ-稳定性,应用数学和力学,36(7)(2015):756-767.

30. Jin Yang, Sanyi Tang, Robert A. Cheke, Modellingthe regulatory system for diabetes mellitus with a threshold window,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,  22(2015):478-491.(SCI检索)

31.Jin Yang, Sanyi Tang, Robert A. Cheke, Modellingpulsed immunotherapy of tumor-immune interaction. Mathematics and Computers inSimulation , 109(2015): 92-112. (SCI检索)

32. G.Y. Tang, J. Yang, S. Tang, QualitativeAnalysis of a Quadratic Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Model with State-DependentFeedback Control. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,  Article ID836402(2015):1-12. (SCI检索)

33. Shaohong Du, Runchang Lin, and Zhimin Zhang.Robust residual- and recovery-type a posteriori error estimators for interfaceproblems: multipoint flux mixed finite element methods, Advances in ComputationalMathematics, DOI: 0.1007/s10444-015-9447-7, 2015.

34. Shaohong Du, Runchang Lin, and Zhimin Zhang.Robust a recovery-type posteriori error estimators for streamline upwind/PetrovGalerkin discretizations for singularly perturbed problems. Submitted revisionto SIAM J. Numer. Anal.

35. Shaohong Du, Shuyu Sun, and Xiaoping Xie.Residual-based a posteriori error estimation for multipoint flux mixed finiteelement methods. Numerische Mathematik,  2015, DOI10.1007/s00211-015-0770-1.

36. Shaohong Du, Zhimin Zhang. A robustresidual-type a posteriori error estimator for convection-diffusion equations.Journal of Scientific Computing, 65 (1) (2015): 138-170.

37. Shaohong Du,Xiaoping Xie.Convergence of adaptivemixed finite element methods for convection-diffusion-reaction equations.Science China Mathematics, 58 (6) (2015): 1327-1348.






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